ขั้นตอนการสมัครและลงทะเบียน Verified by VISA มีอะไรบ้าง?
Verified by VISA registration and enrollment is easy and
simple. This demonstration has been provided for your reference and guidance
only and to show the step of Verified by VISA enrollment, please note that the
step and the enrollment page displaying may slightly vary depends on the credit
card issuers :
Step of Verified by VISA Registration
- STEP 1 Enter Card Number
- STEP 2 Verify Identiy
- STEP 3 Create Password
- STEP 4 Create Reset Password
- STEP 5 Agreement
- STEP 6 Done
STEP 1 Enter Card Number
STEP 2 Verify Identiy
STEP 3 Create Password
STEP 4 Create Reset Password
STEP 5 Agreement
STEP 6 Done